Dive into the latest Power BI and Microsoft Fabric enhancements with us on the 5th of November!

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What we do

Unlock the power of your data and make better informed
decisions, with data solutions from Simpson Associates.

Clients come to us when…

During a phase of transition or expansion, there arises a need to reassess their current data strategy.

They are confronted with challenges from legacy platforms and require a strategic plan to navigate the path ahead.

They aim to improve the effective communication of essential business information to operational leaders.

Transforming Business through Data

  • Advise

  • Infrastructure & Security

  • Data Engineering & Integration 

  • Data Analytics & Visualisation

  • AI & Data Science

  • Operate


Simpson Associates’ experience in all things data enables us to advise on every aspect of your data transformation journey. Working in partnership with clients we provide specialist services that ensure strong foundations for your data projects.

As trusted advisors we can help with all aspects of your data transformation journey including your data strategy, ensuring a good data governance framework is in place, and advising on the right operating model. We provide a wide range of assessment services including our Modern Data Analytics Assessment, perfect for organisations at the start of their data journey, Data Maturity Assessment and SQL Server Migration Assessment to name a few.

CDO as a Service is a subscription-based model that provides organisations with the expertise and guidance of a Chief Data Officer (CDO) without the need for a full-time hire. A great option to draw on all of Simpson Associates data expertise.

“Innovation is at the core of Cameron Homes, and data-driven decisions are critical to achieving it. Simpson Associates’ Data Strategy Assessment was a game-changer. It went beyond just giving us a clear picture of our data; it provided a comprehensive roadmap for unlocking its full potential. This included addressing areas like process optimisation, data governance, security, and even employee skill development. This holistic approach will empower us to make informed choices, streamline operations, and ultimately pave the way for sustainable growth.”

Guy Bebbington
Managing Director, Cameron Homes

Cameron Homes Logo with a background of a street of houses.

Cameron Homes

Simpson Associates unlocks hidden data for the Cameron Homes: they are well-positioned to unlock the true power of their data and achieve their data-driven goals.

Infrastructure & Security

As your trusted data partner, Simpson Associates can provide the necessary services to ensure the right security measures are in place to protect your data and access control across your entire infrastructure. Ensuring your peace of mind that you’re staying one step ahead of the security threats is one of our key priorities.

We also offer services around modernising your on-premise databases, taking care of the important job of migration with minimal disruption.

“We used to spend 90% of our time building reports, with only 10% of the time to make decisions based on the output. We often had conflicting reports and competing datasets”

Richard Hinton
Chief Information Officer, Natural History Museum

National History Museum with a background image of a family visiting the museum.

Natural History Museum

Simpson Associates unlocks hidden data for the Natural History Museum: helping meet its vision of championing the natural world and our global future.

Data Engineering & Integration

Our expertise within data engineering & integration ensures we design and implement data architectures and data platforms using best practice methods that ensure the best quality.

Using our ETL Framework Accelerator enables us to be more efficient in the implementation of your data platform, regardless of whether it’s a data warehouse or data lake, Databricks or Microsoft Azure modern data platform.

“Simpson Associates’ technical expertise, particularly their deep understanding of data, has been invaluable. They didn’t just take our initial idea and run with it. They challenged us with insightful questions like ‘Have you considered this?’ and ‘What about this potential consequence?’” 

“This back-and-forth was incredibly helpful. It’s easy to get tunnel vision when you have an idea, focusing solely on the desired outcome. Simpson Associates’ expertise forced us to consider alternative approaches and potential roadblocks we hadn’t foreseen. Ultimately, their guidance led us to a better solution (Plan B) that addressed the core challenge effectively.” 

Jonny Hoyle
Development Lead North Yorkshire Council 

North Yorkshire Council logo with a background image of a family playing with building toys.

North Yorkshire Council

North Yorkshire Council knew they needed a solution that transformed technology from a burden into an empowering tool. 

Data Analytics & Visualisation

Gain valuable insights to make informed decisions with our Data Analytics & Visualisation offerings.

In a world where data is growing exponentially, Data Analytics can be used to help your organisation significantly improve the understanding of your business performance. By taking your raw data and making it easier to consume, Data Analytics can help you to make better-informed decisions to achieve your organisational goals.

Regardless of which technology you choose, focused dashboards, timely reports and self-service analysis are key business drivers and metrics for all users.

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner, we hold the Analytics on Microsoft Azure Specialisation, as well as a Solutions Partner designations in Data & AI (Azure). Our expertise in Microsoft data analytics and visualisation technologies saw us being recognised as Fabric launch partner.

“Together with Simpson Associates, we implemented a secure and clean Azure platform and built user-friendly dashboards using Microsoft Power BI. It’s like night and day compared to our old more manual processes where everything felt clunky.”

Guy Bebbington
Managing Director Cameron Homes

Cameron Homes logo with a background image of a street with houses.

Cameron Homes

Cameron Homes, a leading UK housebuilder, embarked on a data transformation journey to transform operations and empower data-driven decision-making.

AI & Data Science

AI & Data Science have the capability to transform almost any area of your business, and it is our belief that the world of AI is within reach for all types of organisations. It doesn’t have to be cost prohibitive to prove its worth. Starting small is often the key to getting started and we can help you every step of the way.

There are 2 key areas of AI that we focus on:

  • AI in Practice – using tools such as Azure Cognitive Services in an operational perspective. Examples include the Tackling Organised Exploitation Programme (TOEX) Capabilities Environment where AI has enabled effective translation & transcription services. In addition, our application RedactXpert utilises Microsoft’s Cognitive Services, providing AI-powered document auto-redaction.
  • AI to help in decision making, where an importance is placed on getting the data right in the first instance.

“Data is our most valuable asset. By collaborating with Simpson Associates and their cutting-edge Machine Learning expertise, we are unlocking new possibilities for product matching within our organisation. This Proof Of Concept has the potential to significantly improve our efficiency, accuracy, and overall data-driven decision-making.”

Rob Davis
Director, Assosia

Assosia logo with a building background.


Simpson Associates and Assosia explore the power of Machine Learning (ML) for product matching in a new Proof of Concept (POC) project. This partnership aims to revolutionise the way Assosia manages and utilises its data, unlocking hidden insights and streamlining crucial tasks. 


Implementing your data solution may only be one part of your journey with Simpson Associates. All our services under ‘Operate’ – our comprehensive support ecosystem – are crafted to support you and your organisation on your data transformation journey.

With a wide range of offerings depending on your operating model, Simpson Associates “Operate” services range from fully managed services, training, Capabilities as a Service, and different level of support packages.

Working in partnership with our clients, our goal is to provide continuous improvement and innovation to your organisation. Building your solution is only the start, we will ensure the lights stay on.

“For me, it was the ideal situation because the reality was actually more cost-effective for us. Plus, I was no longer reliant on one person. I had the whole Simpsons’ team. I’m the only DBA in the business, so having them there, it does feel like they are part of the team.” “It’s unusual to find I guess you would call it a private sector organisation that’s willing to help you save money.”

Olatunji Jinadu
Head of Solutions Delivery, Royal British Legion

Royal British Legion logo with a field of poppies as the background image.

Royal British Legion

Royal British Legion choose a Simpson Associates Managed DBA Service for SQL Server, allowing them to continue providing vital support to the military community.

How can we help you?

Let’s discuss how we can transform your disconnected data into actionable insights for better outcomes.

Call: 01904 234 510
[email protected]

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Featured News

Simpson Associates recognised as the winner of 2024 Microsoft Community Response Partner of the Year

Simpson Associates recognised as the winner of 2024 Microsoft Community Response Partner of the Year

Simpson Associates are named Microsoft Partner of the year for Community Response!

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