The latest way to consume Microsoft Azure with CSP

An increasing number of organisations are turning to the Azure Cloud to meet their business strategy and growth objectives due to its scalability, the security it offers, and because it is accessible from anywhere.

Discover a new way to consume Azure which offers your business value, payment flexibility and expert support.

Also, if you are currently paying for Azure consumption by credit card, then moving to CSP has many benefits and cost saving opportunities.

Benefits of using CSP for Azure with Simpson Associates

  • Competitive pricing when compared with Microsoft web direct and Enterprise Agreement
  • For businesses that would prefer to pay later, there is an option of monthly billing in arrears.
  • We will make it easy for you. Simpson Associates will manage your software licenses, renewals and upgrades.
  • Monthly consolidated billing
  • View live billing and cost information, with Azure Cost Management
  • Benefit from expert support provided to you by Simpson Associates
  • Only pay for what you use with CSP PAYG Azure, minute and second level commit depending on resource type
  • Ability to commit to a longer term and “reserve” instances to gain discounts

Work with the experts

CSP Partners provide a lot of value to your business. We understand the solution that we are delivering to you as well as being responsible for ensuring that you are billed correctly and that you are taking advantage of all of the benefits of Azure.


Working directly with a CSP partner means that you are dealing directly with the organisation responsible for the success of your Azure based solution, and this route offers much more hands-on support for you when you need it.  Options to increase responsibility and accountability for cost management and optimisation with Simpson Associates.


Choosing a CSP partner to deliver your Azure based project is only the start of the journey.  A CSP doesn’t just sell Azure licensing to its customers; they deliver additional, consistent value-add services to your overall transformation journey with Azure, providing strategic advisory services, CSP exclusive cost-saving opportunities (eg. Proof of Concept funding), and flexible PAYG billing.

Flexible Billing

There is no need to commit to three years with Enterprise Agreements, paid annually upfront. CSP offers much more flexibility – with consumption based charges mixed with reservations where appropriate to gain discounts where needed which makes CSP a more competitive proposition.  Lower commitments mean your business’s money stays in your bank account.

If this is something that you are interested in or have any questions?

Please get in touch by completing the form below, or call us on 01904 234 510