Microsoft Power BI Consultancy

Simpson Associates are one of the largest Power BI consultancies in the UK. From mapping out a strategy, through to implementation, training and support. Simpson Associates can work with your organisation to implement Power BI.

Microsoft Power BI Services

Microsoft’s mission statement is to “empower every person and organisation on the planet to achieve more.” By changing the way that we use software in the workplace, Microsoft is developing new ways to make business more efficient and effective, empowering employees so they can achieve more and in turn doing things that make a difference.

Microsoft’s Data Visualisation tool ‘Power BI’ is just one of the tools that Microsoft believes will help organisations to achieve more. Visualise and to analyse data, on any device, anywhere. Power BI gives businesses access to powerful insights to give them the ability to make faster, more informed business decisions based purely on facts. To help increase revenue, reduce costs, and spur business growth.

With Power BI you can experience a near-live, 360-degree view of your entire business in a single dashboard. Additionally, Power BI seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Teams, Office 365, Dynamics, SharePoint, Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Salesforce and many more applications and products allowing many organisations to see it as a natural extension to their current investment.

Simpson Associates have delivering Reporting and Analysis capabilities to organisations for over 30 years. As a Microsoft Gold Partner for Data Platform, and Analytics, Datacenter and a Cloud Platform partner, we are practicing what we preach and we believe that we have the necessary skills and experience to assist you with your Power BI Journey.

“We looked at some of the major consultancies but they do many things and are not necessarily subject matter experts which we knew we needed. We wanted someone that lived and breathed data.

We knew Simpson Associates from a past relationship and they were able to demonstrate their experience of working with both our incumbent solution and with SQL, Microsoft BI and Sharepoint."
Alex MacGregor-Devlin
IT Director, INSE

Simpson Associates Power BI Accelerator

Are you looking to understand how Microsoft Power BI can unlock your data? Are you wanting to get information in the hands of your mobile workforce? Simpson Associates have developed an engagement that allows your organisation to get Power BI up and running quickly; our packaged offering will get the service commissioned, users trained and an initial pilot project deployed within a month.

You may well have data stored in on-premise data sources or in cloud based systems such as Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Salesforce, Google Analytics, or Azure SQL server. Power BI allows you to  access the data quickly and deliver insights for your business.

This Power BI accelerator will begin by commissioning your Power BI Tenant, installing and configuring the Enterprise Gateway to allow access to your on-premise data sources, it includes training an initial set of users and the development of a pilot project that will be able to demonstrate the value that Power BI can deliver to the organisation.

What is included:

  • Definition of requirements for a relevant business need.
  • Commissioning of your Power BI Tenant.
  • Installing, configuring and connecting your on-premise data sources to the cloud.
  • Build of a Power BI model.
  • Build of required reports and dashboards.
  • Build of data refresh processes.
  • Training delivered to key business users.
  • Dashboards deployed to mobile devices.

Our Power BI Services

Planning and Design - Need support in developing your; data architecture, business requirements, or dashboard design. The Simpson Associates Power BI Consulting Services team can help you develop your strategy; gain stakeholder investment; and prepare your infrastructure to implement Microsoft Power BI.

Dashboard creation and deployment - Our Power BI Consulting Services team can help you; model your data; create and deploy dashboards; and build content packs to share with the rest of your team.

Training - Our Microsoft Power BI Training course will make novices users competent with Power BI in one day.

Support and Maintenance -The Simpson Associates support desk can help you maintain your Power BI solution. Whether you have a quick question or a problem that needs solving – our team is here to help.

"The data that we now have is the gold standard for reporting and analysis. Our Chief Executive is at the forefront of the charge to widen the deployment throughout the organisation. "
Gary Carter
IT Director, HC-ONE

Support from Simpson Associates

As a Microsoft Gold Partner for Data Platform and Analytics and a Cloud Platform partner, Simpson Associates have the necessary skills and experience to help. Contact us to discuss your current environment and let us bring your data to life.