Using the Cloud for Data Analytics On-Demand Webinar Series

Using the Cloud for Data Analytics Webinar Series

Download our five-part On-Demand series on using the Cloud for Data Analytics to discover how you can turn data into valuable insights, using the Cloud.

Episode one 

Introduction and Ingestion

During this first webinar, we’ll explain how analytics can transform your business – and more importantly, we will show you what concepts you must understand to enable you to do more with data. We will also look into Data Factory and show you how it can be used to ingest and transform your data.

Episode two 

Data Quality and Master Data Management

Our second episode in the Cloud series. We will show you the importance of Data Quality and Master Data Management within your analytics solution with our trusted partner, Information Builders.

Episode three 

Storage and Processing

The third episode in the Cloud series where we will take a closer look at the storage options available in Azure, including the new Azure Synapse services. Azure Synapse is a limitless analytics service, that brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics.

Episode four

Stream Processing and Data Consumption

The penultimate episode in our Cloud series. Understand what tools can be used to gain deeper insights into your data. During this webinar, we will take a closer look at tools like Machine Learning Studio and Power BI.

Episode five 

IoT and the art of the possible

For our final episode in the Cloud series. We will help you to understand how the Cloud can support your adoption of IoT.  During this webinar, we will take a closer look at how Azure can be used to ingest and process data from IoT devices.  We will take a closer look at IoT Hub, IoT Edge and a number of the IoT Solution Accelerators.

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