Predictive Analytics enables data-driven planning, pre-emptive action and cost savings

Housing Associations typically have large volumes of data that they struggle to utilise, perhaps due to challenges with data availability or data platforms. Harnessing this data enables predictive analysis to prevent common problems and improve advanced planning, proactive measures and cost savings. For example, unexpected boiler repairs are expensive and can harm the well-being of tenants, but being able to see problems before they arise can help Housing Associations manage resources.

Join Simpson Associates and Southern Housing Group specialists for this panel-style on-demand webinar to discover 3 real-world opportunities covering predictive maintenance for fixed assets (boilers), rent arrears risks (payment delays) and optimisation of operational efficiency (warranty clawback, inspection optimisation).

Advanced data analytics can be used in addition to existing BI and operational reporting to make better data-driven decisions to improve the management of housing maintenance, payments, and inspections saving time and money.

Empower your organisation to make well-informed decisions utilising the data you have!

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