Data Strategy Workshop

Simpson Associates are offering a free one day workshop to help organisations review their approach to data strategy, how data is used, managed and stored within your organisation. If your organisation is looking to start making use of the ‘cloud’ then this session will allow you to identify potential quick wins and options for moving to the cloud. Focused on your business objectives, the principal aim of the workshop is to provide you with options around the challenges that you are facing today. As part of the workshop Simpson Associates will propose possible solutions and approaches to the business pains that you have identified.

Do you have separate data silo’s across your organisation? Do you have numerous database servers spread across the organisation? Are you trying to improve access to data across your organisation? Are you trying to understand how the ’cloud’ can help you? Are you looking to start your journey to the cloud? Do you currently use Oracle as a database platform and want to understand other options?

If so, then our Free Data Strategy workshop will be of benefit to you.

Download the PDF below to find out more.