Is it time to move from Cognos EP to Cognos TM1?


Simpson Associates has 49 customers using IBM Cognos EP and we are often asked when, or if, they should consider moving to Cognos TM1. The purpose of this 45 minute webinar is to inform current IBM Cognos EP customers of the possible ways to move forward with the latest technology whilst reassuring them that IBM Cognos EP is not going anywhere in the short to medium term. We will explain the improvements that can be made and outline the benefits that IBM Cognos TM1 brings that enhance current planning processes.

We will be joined by Andy Nelmes, IBM Program Director for Finance Office Performance Management.

During this webinar we will cover: issues that our existing IBM Cognos EP customers tell us that they have, and how IBM Cognos TM1 addresses them; additional capabilities that IBM Cognos TM1 offers;  how Cognos TM1 is integral to the IBM FOPM strategy going forward; possible migration strategies, the role of the Cloud and the potential financial benefits.


  • 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Wednesday 21st September 2016

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